More About Patent Drawings
Facts To Help You Prepare Informal Patent Drawings
Understanding the Magellan Global™ LLC preliminary steps, in preparation for good patent illustrations, is important to your success. Good patent illustrators pay attention to this, all of the time.
The final form of a patent application is of great importance. The USPTOs place great emphasis on thoroughness. There are many rules to be complied with. Each patent examiner has enormous discretion over whether an application is approved or rejected. By fully meeting the requirements and standards of the USPTOs, you will have a better application. Your chance of success is better than an application that does not comply.
It is important to pay attention to detail. These suggestions are to help you to do that. We are going to talk about preliminary us patent searches, prior art and the preparation of preliminary patent drawings.
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Follow These Steps To Prepare Your Informal Patent Drawings
Follow these seven steps to prepare your preliminary informal sketched drawings and information, for Magellan Global™ LLC to prepare your formal patent drawings for filing.
(1) This is the time to assemble all of your prior art references. These references can come from US patent searches, textbooks, magazines and the Internet. Pay attention to what is different about the new invention. Patent illustrators ask, what parts need to be shown in detail and what parts are general.
(2) In an understandable form, to the best of your ability, rough sketch the invention. This is the foundation of your entire patent application. The patent illustrations are the most important part of the application. Ask yourself... when an examiner looks at your application, what is the first thing to be looked at? It is the drawings... Right!
In sketching your preliminary drawings, you do not have to be concerned about the size of the drawings or layout of figures. The patent illustrator will take care of that. The main thing is to show all aspects of your new invention.
(3) Next write down a name adjacent to each part, in each sketch.
(4) Draw a lead line connecting the name to the part.
(5) Show every new feature. You do not have to be so concerned about labeling the prior art.
(6) Now, from your sketches construct a description of the invention in short simple sentences. Congratulation! By following these simple steps, you are well on your way to laying your foundation for a successful patent application.
(7) This information along with any other collateral material, such as photographs, is all that Magellan Global™ LLC needs to complete formal patent illustrations. Patent drawings are the foundation of a patent application. Good patent illustrations by professional patent illustrators insure a successful examination by the USPTO examiner.
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